Seeds of Hope


Today, I went out to garden… pretty much the first time this year as the weather has been poor and if I’m absolutely honest… I’m rather a fair-weather gardener! I don’t mind weeding and sorting, clipping and sowing seeds, planting veg and enjoying the garden we have as long as it’s warm (and preferably sunny!)
It was really nice to be out there… I have some raised beds and they were very much in need of weeding and getting ready for the seeds I’d sown indoors a couple of days ago. They need some compost applying and digging in but I really enjoyed the preparing and anticipation of what was going to be planted and raised there.
It was a very hopeful moment… knowing that these were being made ready for months ahead when crops would be harvested and enjoyed.
I felt that winter was over and the hope of spring and new things were hovering in the air. What a beautiful thing to hold onto in this time of Isolation and enforced being at home. When the news bulletins and social media streams are often filled with bad news and fearful stories, it’s good to find glimpses of normal and hope in the surroundings.
I do have the blessing of living in the country and see wide-open spaces… but I thought too… we have window sills, and maybe planting some seeds… herbs, salad or some nasturtium in tubs there will help to plan for better days ahead. It’s so worth sowing hope in other ways too … shouting over the fence to neighbours or out of the window to someone across the street to encourage them and let them know we are not alone… we’re in it together… and then, when the seeds have grown and the veg and flowers appear… maybe then we can sit around a table and share the fruit of our hopeful sowing!

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