Time to Pick Things up Again


Today – someone reminded me of a blog post I wrote number of years ago and commented that they missed what I wrote!
It made me think again of things that I have left aside, for various reasons and sometimes for simply being forgetful. Like my knitting… I set out with a lot of enthusiasm and something stops me and I lay it aside to do other things, but it does need to be picked up and finished!
Or my garden!
Just now I’m weeding, planting out seedlings of vegetables, watering and maintaining the garden (not all by myself I hasten to add!). But over the winter months – very little got done in my garden. Although, the very nature of a garden is that much of it isn’t seen as it was under leaves, decomposing, readying itself for a new season of growth.
So just like I need to pick up my hoe and trowel and get my gardening gloves on, and think “garden”, so too, I need to pick up some things that have been laid aside.
It’s remembering not to forget the precious life lessons we can learn in our daily walk. Some may appear to be humdrum – clearing leaves and tidying. Others need a bit more effort – replanting, replacing, moving sites etc. Still other things are new starts… trying Romanesco and different kinds of tomato plants.
So maybe my thoughts just now are more for me than you… but I think it’s time to pick up my life lessons ponderings again and remember the joys in some of the wee things in life that are just so very wonderful!