Bread and Water

Bread & Water

I have been studying the story of Elijah, and the victory over the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18-19) and how Elijah crashed after this episode… very interesting!

I have been fascinated how Elijah so easily forgot the victories he’d previously known, the miracles- both initiated and seen by him, the promises of God and the Words God spoke to him! …and how that is so… ME!!

Don’t you find it easy to forget the gifts of God to you, His life, His promises, His victories and provision in your life?

It’s easy to identify with Elijah, as he has had enough, is so wearied and tired of the journey and the battles to keep strong! I find his story to be one of such hope and encouragement when I’m past myself and wanting to stop, give up and find hope is frail!

Amazing how God sends His angel (not Himself) to give Elijah the very simple, basic, stuff he needed – which by the way, was probably not what Elijah would have chosen – bread , water and sleep. Now if it had been me(!!) – a spa retreat, a few days break, even a prophetic word of encouragement would have been  a help… not bread and water and a rest in the wilderness!!

Sometimes it is the simple Bread of Life (Jesus… and His Word) and the Fresh Water (time with the Holy Spirit) that we need to have – no deep stuff, no intense studies, no thrashing out eternal values and reasons,… just plain Bread and Water! And it gives us strength for the next leg of the journey.

You know – I don’t know why God didn’t come with miracles, powerful words of encouragement or commendation… I only know He is God and His ways are higher than mine, and He understands who I am and where I am… and gives me the strength to journey through the hopeless, the despair and longing for things to change… strength to come to the “mount of God” to meet with Him there.

I want to encourage you to give God time today… time to rest in His Words (bread) and be refreshed by His Spirit (water) so you can go on.

He is before you to lead you, behind you to strengthen you… and always with you for He promised never to leave or forsake you.

Take heart  today… and step out for the next leg of the journey! You will meet Him – for He is faithful!

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