Welcome Home!


Amazing – my daughter, herheart hands 2 husband and their daughter(my granddaughter!) have returned home.

They went to Australia about 21 months ago, when my granddaughter was 3 months old.

They went to work and be with family there for a season, and now they have returned – to a new adventure… not certain of what is next, but ready for the next stage of life!

At our home , here, we have been preparing for them, re-arranging bedrooms, sorting, clearing, decorating, getting rid of junk and making this home ready for them to feel welcome and at home. We’ve shopped and bought in things they will need and we have worked hard to make a place for them. When they arrived and are here now – we are so happy, so excited and so ready for the part they will play in our lives… and ready for them to grow and develop in their own family unit as they are here.

I am reminded of how God prepares for those who have been away from Him! How the angels rejoice when “one sinner repents”. How Jesus says He goes to prepare a place for us, and how He knows the way we take and is not worried or stressed when our journey ‘s not smooth.

How wonderful to know there is a “Welcome home” for us as we return to the Father’s love.

My family, returning, don’t fully know what is next… ideas and thoughts but nothing definite.

They don’t have all the answers and everything is not all settled and certain… but one thing they do know – things are ready for them, we have made preparations … and they are so very welcome!!!… Welcome to come, live, grow and plan…. Oh that we would understand the Love of the Father to those who would return… no condemnation, no retribution… just an open- arms welcome and preparations they had no idea that had been done… in readiness for their homecoming.

So – how about you?… ready to come home?… The Love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have made preparations for you … they welcome you back with open arms.

How wonderful this is … whether you understand what has been prepared or not, whether you are aware of the anticipation of heaven, or not … you are so very – “Welcome Home!”

Good News/ Bad News


NewspaperWe all love good news… we love the excitement and the joy an engagement, a birth or a surprise brings us. We love the relief of a happy announcement or the all clear from the Dr…. we are happy to give thank s and praise when the sun is shining and the weather is favourable.

God is good, and we are happy to say so!

But what happens when the news is not so good? When the pronouncement is sad or disappointing?

How do we feel and react when we get a poor report or we are left feeling shocked and uncertain?

Well… God is still good!!

His promises change not!

His Love endures forever!

His Mercy is new every morning!

His Grace is abundant!

Maybe the “not so good news” is an opportunity to tap into His Abundance and Presence.

Our faith is more than the fair weather sort… Our faith can find its hope, its rest and its future in Christ alone.

Tough days? Great God!

My prayer today is that instead of being brought low by bad news, we rise to the love of God and find our peace our joy and our strength in Him!

Somebody shout Amen and Hallelujah!!!

Finding my place



clematisI’ve been really enjoying my garden this year… I’ve had a lot more “oomph” to work in it and make it look good and produce good stuff!

Lovely to see the vegetables growing strong and healthy and I’m enjoying the shrubs and climbers that are looking very happy!

I was admiring my clematis earlier in the week… it took a few years before it felt “at home”, and earlier this year it was damaged by a couple of dogs digging around it! As I was looking athe beautiful flowers I was aware of a couple of Chaffinches creating a fuss on some of the trees and seats around the patio… I stood back and watched what was going on… and discovered, there was a wee nest in the clematis and the parents were anxious to get me out of the way so they could feed their chicks!

What a treat… so close to my windows I could see the coming and going from my living room!
Then I wandered round the house and discovered sparrows flying in and out of 3 of the 4 corners of the house!

Obviously the birds enjoy my home and have made it theirs.

I was reminded of the Scripture Psalm 84:1-4 

What a beautiful home, God-of-the-Angel-Armies!
I’ve always longed to live in a place like this,
Always dreamed of a room in your house,
where I could sing for joy to God-alive!

3-4 Birds find nooks and crannies in your house,
sparrows and swallows make nests there.
They lay their eggs and raise their young,
singing their songs in the place where we worship.
God-of-the-Angel-Armies! King! God!
How blessed they are to live and sing there!

I was reminded how precious it is to find your place, to be near the heart of God and to dwell in His presence, in safety and security.

I thank God for His lesson to me from my own back door!